Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de tear

to tearrasgar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I tearyo rasgo
you teartú rasgas
he tearsél rasga
she tearsella rasga
we tearnosotros rasgamos
you tearvosotros rasgáis
they tearellos rasgan
they tearellas rasgan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I toreyo rasgué
you toretú rasgaste
he toreél rasgó
she toreella rasgó
we torenosotros rasgamos
you torevosotros rasgasteis
they toreellos rasgaron
they toreellas rasgaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have tornyo he rasgado
you have torntú has rasgado
he has tornél ha rasgado
she has tornella ha rasgado
we have tornnosotros hemos rasgado
you have tornvosotros habéis rasgado
they have tornellos han rasgado
they have tornellas han rasgado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had tornyo había rasgado
you had torntú habías rasgado
he had tornél había rasgado
she had tornella había rasgado
we had tornnosotros habíamos rasgado
you had tornvosotros habíais rasgado
they had tornellos habían rasgado
they had tornellas habían rasgado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will tearyo rasgaré
you will teartú rasgarás
he will tearél rasgará
she will tearella rasgará
we will tearnosotros rasgaremos
you will tearvosotros rasgaréis
they will tearellos rasgarán
they will tearellas rasgarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have tornyo habré rasgado
you will have torntú habrás rasgado
he will have tornél habrá rasgado
she will have tornella habrá rasgado
we will have tornnosotros habremos rasgado
you will have tornvosotros habréis rasgado
they will have tornellos habrán rasgado
they will have tornellas habrán rasgado

I would tearyo rasgaría
you would teartú rasgarías
he would tearél rasgaría
she would tearella rasgaría
we would tearnosotros rasgaríamos
you would tearvosotros rasgaríais
they would tearellos rasgarían
they would tearellas rasgarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have tornyo habría rasgado
you would have torntú habrías rasgado
he would have tornél habría rasgado
she would have tornella habría rasgado
we would have tornnosotros habríamos rasgado
you would have tornvosotros habríais rasgado
they would have tornellos habrían rasgado
they would have tornellas habrían rasgado

Participio presenteAnotado
tearing rasgando

Participio pasadoAnotado
torn rasgado

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